Sunday, 1 July 2012

Day 7 - Malin Head

In a tranquil valley below, Phil, Simon and Ryan where making swift progress despite the driving rain that swept the valley. They reached Malin Head for 12.45pm and enjoyed the final push up to the castle and assorted shelters that some heartless Joker had decided to position at the top of a ruddy big hill. The rain was horrendous the winds gale force of the sea and there was a cold wait until Dave The Van and his beleagured parrot arrived to rescue them.
Meanwhile back in a small village 15 miles away, the Scandanavian party had met up with the hill ramblers and they were sharing stories of their treck through the Irish wilderness whilst they dried their clothes and defrosted their appendages. It would be some time before they too found there way to Malin Head but find it they did. All done. Mizen Head to Malin Head. 7 days 4 provinces, 390 well earnt miles and thousands for the British Heart Foundation


  1. Practice makes perfect, there's many do think, but a man's not too perfect when he's practiced at drink!

    Comhghairdeas gach duine
    The Dubliners

  2. Paddy shows up for a cycling club ride on a new carbon speed machine.

    "Hey, where did you get the new ride?", asks Murphy .

    "Well," says Paddy, "I was out on a ride when this really hot woman rode up alongside me. We got to talking and one thing led to another and we stopped at the park. She suddenly stripped off her clothes and said, 'take whatever you want', .... so I took the bike!"

    "Good thing too," says Murphy, "her clothes wouldn’t have fit ya."

    Well done boys
    Samantha Mumba
