Sunday 1 July 2012

Day 7 - Malin Head

In a tranquil valley below, Phil, Simon and Ryan where making swift progress despite the driving rain that swept the valley. They reached Malin Head for 12.45pm and enjoyed the final push up to the castle and assorted shelters that some heartless Joker had decided to position at the top of a ruddy big hill. The rain was horrendous the winds gale force of the sea and there was a cold wait until Dave The Van and his beleagured parrot arrived to rescue them.
Meanwhile back in a small village 15 miles away, the Scandanavian party had met up with the hill ramblers and they were sharing stories of their treck through the Irish wilderness whilst they dried their clothes and defrosted their appendages. It would be some time before they too found there way to Malin Head but find it they did. All done. Mizen Head to Malin Head. 7 days 4 provinces, 390 well earnt miles and thousands for the British Heart Foundation


A picture of the lads 4 miles North of Derry in the picturesque village of Muff. We'd been slowed on our passage into town by a funeral procession. A sad occassion but at least he was being buried in Muff. Could there be a better place to be burried?
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Day 7 - Part 1

An easy 35 miles to finish off the tour...or was it? Dark clouds and sheets of rain followed the group from the outset as the river Foyle led them towards the Malin peninsula. The group soon split when Ryan got a puncture, a fateful event that was to prove very fortunate for the young hero and his helpers Phil and Simon. Ahead Mark had formed a Scandanavian group on his own and the middle ground was occupied by Elliot, Jonny, Chris and his trusty GPS device that ensured he always stayed on route. Even if the route was wrong. Even if the route was very wrong. Even if the route took them over the top of a mountain on a sheep track full of boulders. Even if the track meant they had to dismantle a barbed wire fence in order to continue on it. At the top of the mountain it was cold and gales whistled through the barren landscape, littered with dead sheep and strewn with the bones of deceased cyclists who had naively ventured on to the mountains without a GPS system. The boys dismounted and weaved their bikes through the boulder field for the next mile and a half. Closer to Hypothermia than Malin Head. Meanwhile on the newly tarmaced R234 Phil, Ryan and Simon where enjoying the level terrain and marvelled at the majesty of the storm crested mountains that encircled them for mile after mile as they cruised though the valley bed. Somewhere North of all this the Great Dane had decided to create his own route through the less frequently traversed Northern glacier. It was after all a more picturesque route and despite being 20 miles longer it offered beautiful views of the valley bed, some 830 feet below!
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Saturday 30 June 2012

Day 6

We heard on the news that Whitley Bay was under water and it was no different in Enniskillen as the lads emerged with thick heads from a nights beer mat flipping in the town. Rain was torrential and stayed that way until lunch as we climbed in to the pine forested hills around Castlederg. We passed a local farmer who bid us good morning and added "yer fken mad you lads, fken mad". We had some sympathy for his position. Lunch of Irish stew and a hot drink was enough to get us on our way again. We heeded the advice of Mr O'Brien the Bantry photocopy man and avoided the main busy road from Strabane to Derry. The pace was brisk as we flicked in and out of Northern Ireland and The Republic. Derry and the river Foye that we'd follow to the tip of Ireland were soon in sight and as it was Dave "The Van's" night of entertainment, it had to be GoKarting but there were rumours that The Stig was in town!
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Friday 29 June 2012


They're a tough lot in the gypsy belt. Even the licensees have to scrap!
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Why are we bothering?

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Tour Bus Ornaments

Our bus along with Paddy Parrot, Lenny the Leprechaun and a tricolor.
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More Umpalumpa antics

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Injury Time

DIY hero Elliot Ross receives some attention to a troublesome ankle from Dr Barrett. Not that an ankle injury will stop our Ell.
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Swedish Umpalumpa?

No Danish actually. That's powerhouse Mark Kro with a new hairdo.
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Flipper at The Bush Bar

Alison Manageress at The Bush managed 6 beermats.
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Thursday 28 June 2012

Jane and the Didsbury Ladies

We had wonderful news last night when Elliots wife rang to tell us about the surprise fundraising she'd arranged. In our absence Jane and 20 of the Ladies of Didsbury (think Desperate Housewives meet TOWIE) seem to have had a sponsored piss up that also included some gambling and have raised an incredible £350 for the BHF. Thanks ladies, you're all fantastic. Our total fundraising is now beyond £5k
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Day 5

Today was Chris's day. Instead of bringing up the rear he was thrust to the front of the pelaton and set the pace for the ride across the border in to Northern Ireland and County Fermanagh. Stopping at Ballianmore there was no sign of Shergar although Dave asured us that this was were he was kept during the troubles. The news had been full of stories about floods and torrential rain in Northern Ireland overnight but whilst we caught some rain we escaped the worst of it. We didn't however; escape the worst of the dogs! Throughout Ireland we've encountered hoards of the angry little buggers at every gatepost. Mark has kindly taken to bating them and as he's usually at the front he'll whistle in the hope that the bounding beasts will emerge in time to eat whoever's at the back. The award for finest angry dog goes to fluffy, the black labrador that hurtled fully 200yds from his kennel before chasing us for 3 whole fields whilst he desperately searched for a hole in the fence through which he could get at us. Enniskillen is our first stop in NI. The UK road signs and Union Jacks make us feel closer to home. Tomorrow to Derry but time tonight for a little more vitamin G.
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Longford - Macs Bar

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Cork Airport

The forward party arrive at Cork Airport, Saturday 23rd June 2012
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Birr Entertainment

Aquarobics is quite a big thing amongst the "silvered" community in Birr. Or so it seemed when we arrived at the Birr recreation centre for a workout after our 70 mile ride. News of our imminent arrival had spread like irish butter in the weeks prior to our arrival and attendance was up 4 fold. 30 of the communities most glamorous grannies were waiting to say hello and manager Miriam gave us the full treatment as she came poolside to introduce the English octet. Cheers echoed around the pool as we emerged from the changing room and the lovely Yvonne our trainer for the night looked resplendent in her BHF t-shirt, just as the lads did in their swimming caps. And we don those caps to the silver ladies who showed us that Aquarobics was a tough old sport. Their generous applause for our efforts at the end of the hour session was testimony to their recognition of our supreme athleticism. Thanks ladies we'll always remember you x

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-----Original Message-----
From: My Email <>
Date: Wed, 27 Jun 2012 16:12:59
To: Phil McMahon<>

Wednesday 27 June 2012

Day 4

From now on the days get shorter and the terrain flatter. We're well on our way to Malin Head. As we wound the pedals towards Longford, Ryan said that if he knew it was going to be a time trial he'd have worn a different bloody jersey! A couple of brief stops on route but we were all keen to finish and were tucking in to a pint at the Longford Arms by 3.30pm. We're all getting fitter but perhaps it was last nights entertainment that helped!
Tonight it's Marks choice of entertainment...a bit of bowling should fit the bill.

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Look at the arse on that bird!

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Simon inspires the youth of Ballymahon

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The Green Bar

Assorted athletes pictured here in Boriskane with Peggy and Mary of The Green Bar. Despite Peggy's swearing for which she was regularly apologetic, these girls are surely two of the loveliest ladies in the whole of the Emerald Isles. They'll probably never read this but ...we love you girls and thanks for the 20 Euros for the cause and the fruit pastilles xxx
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Flipper Challenge

Hilary is an English from Selby near our Chris's house. She went to the same school as Clare, Chris's wife. Do you know her Clare? She knows you. Infact she said your were unforgetable. Which we thought was nice of her. Anyway a 4 for Hillary puts her right at the top of our leaderboard. Well done Hillsy.
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Flipper Challenge

Marina of Dooleys Hotel in Birr was keen to try our National Flipper Challenge. In all honesty her efforts were an embarrassment and didn't do her justice. A big zero for Marina but a big thanks you from the lads for giving it a go. Get some training in Marina.

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-----Original Message-----
From: Simon Barrett <>
Date: Tue, 26 Jun 2012 18:15:51
To: Phil McMahon<>

Day 3

The longest day and for Elliot, Mark, Jonny and Ryan the furthest they would have ever ridden in one sitting. For some the biggest concern wasn't the 75 mile that lay ahead but the transition through Rathkeil, Gypsy capital of Ireland and home to the biggest, hungriest dogs known to mankind. Plans to tie sausages to the back of Chris's bike were thwarted and our new found fitness gave us new found speed to thwart the beasts as we whistled passed the bullet proof mansions and on toward picturesque Adare and Limerick for our cake stop. Power walkers lined the streets as we glided our way down smooth well maintained rolling roads to stop for dinner in Nenagh were the sun shone and the sandwiches from SupaSave were well deserved. Three punctures and a lovely converstion with Peggy and Mary later, we arrived in Birr where I'd arranged some novel entertainment...
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Tuesday 26 June 2012

Day 2

After yesterdays hills it was a nervous group of finely honed athletes that assembled in Kenmare for the push to Newcastle West. Today was the biggest total ascent and there were a few hills that were raising concerns, not least of which was the 10k climb to Molls Gap that started right outside our hotel. Dave the Van had been lonely so Ell had bought him a friend and Paddy The Parrot now clung gamely to the wing mirror. Phenominal scenery eased the pain as we climbed in to the mist covered peaks of the McGillycuddy Reeks. The weather again was kind to us and was to stay that way. Lunch at the fantastic Pats Cafe prepared the lads for the days big climb at CastleIsland where Ryans delight at summiting surprised Dave the Van who'd frankly never been hugged so hard. A fitting end to the big climbs of the tour. The flatlands were in sight and 20k away was the power walking capital of Europe, Newcastle West, Tipperary, gateway to gypsy country and the land of the rabid dog.
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Monday 25 June 2012

Correction Lansdown Hotel

Our sincere apologies. Apparentl Clodagh spent 15 years at the Convent not 50. She joined when she was 45!
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Lansdown Hotel Kenmare

The lovely Clodagh Rogers looked after us during our stay. Clodagh joined the Lansdown Hotel only last year after spending 50 years of abstinence at the Sisters of Mercy Convent Kemare. Clodagh now fills the popular Sunday night dance slot at the Lansdown.
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Bloody Traitor!

Chairman of the Beverley branch of the british heart foundation in shock resignation!

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Sunday 24 June 2012

Local Hero

Jonny Leslie attempts the Caha Mountains and later was tucked up in bed for 10am a broken man!
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Day1 Part 1

The ruddy taxi driver (the only one in Bantry Bay) who was to take us to the start point in Mizen Head, rang to tell us he'd had a serious accident enroute! These Irish guys love a tall story. Anyway the inconsiderate git presented us with all sorts of issues as there was nobody else in the whole of Bantry either capable or sober enough to take us. So with no other option eight of us bundled into the van and so began a very uncomfortable ride in which we all became much closer. As we drove out of Bantry passing the overturned taxi cab and meandering our way through the glass strewn road, the sun was shining and our throbbing hangovers were the least of our worries...
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Day 1 Part 2

The Caha Mountains are the huge perpendicular monoliths that separate Bantry from Kenmare and have been positioned somewhat deliberately, I believe, in order to make cyclists lives miserable. From the top of their most heinious summit you can see all the way back to Mizen Head. You can also see rabid dogs that chase you up the vertical rubble strewn pig tracks whilst snapping at your latest lycra bodywear and on a clear day, like today, if you look hard enough there are broken men littering the sweat soaked road to Kenmare. Today we earned every bit of our sponsorship. Today we climbed those bastard hills. Today we toiled, we bled, we vomited, we cramped, we cursed and most of all we wept. Wept like babies when Elliot fell off in the car park within seconds of starting! Fundraising is currently about £4500. Thanks so much it makes it all worthwhile.
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Down but not out!

Iron man Elliot Ross takes a break from hill walking
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We're off

Top of the morning to you. So the great day has finally arrived. Seven finely honed athletes and Dave "The Van" have arrived at Bantry base camp and are about to begin this years infeasable challenge. Back in December when we first coined this idea, most of us had never ridden a bike in anger but in about an hours time we'll embark on a 400 mile roadtrip that will take us from end to end of the Emerald Isle. Wish us luck and read all about it here, first, even before the Garda and The Bantry Bay Gazette.
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The Team at Mizen Head

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Saturday 23 June 2012

Flipper Challenge

Whilst we travel this years course and in this Olympic year, we'll be testing the sporting prowess of our hosts. Last nights contestant, lovely Karen O'Thingymajig of the Bantry Bay Hotel managed 3 beer mats in the Irish flipper challenge and currently heads our leaderboard. Well done Karen! The convent will be proud.
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We're off

Top of the morning to you. So the great day has finally arrived. Seven finely honed athletes and Dave "The Van" have arrived at Bantry base camp and are about to begin this years infeasable challenge. Back in December when we first coined this idea, most of us had never ridden a bike in anger but in about an hours time we'll embark on a 400 mile roadtrip that will take us from end to end of the Emerald Isle. Wish us luck and read all about it here, first, even before the Garda and The Bantry Bay Gazette.
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Isle of Anglesey-20120623-00724.jpg

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Thursday 21 June 2012


Fundraising update. Including gift aid we've now raised £2681.60. Thanks to everyone who's donated so far. Your money will help to Mend Broken Hearts and for that we love you x
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just read this in the irish web site

4.0 Magnitude Earthquake off the coast of Co. Mayo

The Mayo Earthquake was analysed at Met Eireann's Seismic monitoring station at Valentia Observatory, Caherciveen, Co. Kerry.

and we haven’t even started falling off yet!!

With only days to go until the big push off, our Chris completes his rigorous training regime!

Friday 18 May 2012

Training Update

Training Update

Hello from Operation Leprechaun & Guinness HQ

I can’t believe it! Five weeks tomorrow and we’ll be on our way to the Emerald Isle and we still have a full complement of nine supreme athletes!

So having spoken to most of the team over the last few weeks I can inform you of the progress we’ve been making. I bumped in to Elliot last week in Didsbury. Now ordinarily this would’ve been a very hazardous experience. People have, after all, been known to bump in to Elliot and rebound several meters in to the path of vehicles but…no more. Ell’s training program has delivered a finely honed Adonis and a future candidate for the front page of Mens Health. Ryan has also approached training with the same degree of vigour and has taken to cycling shorts like a Geordie lass to a lycra boob-tube.  I dropped off some collecting tins at Marks bars where his staff were obviously in awe of his endeavours. Posters adorn the walls announcing the coming of Heaton Moors very own Chris Hoy. Unfortunately Mark wasn’t there to meet me as he was sleeping off a hangover; so it seems his training is going very much to plan. I’ve heard that Dave has also been putting the miles in but with the cost of petrol these days he’s trying not to overdo it. Jonny “Boyband” Leslie started his training in February and has covered 70 miles a week ever since. He’s now reached Dubrovnik! Jonny, you should turn around and head back now! Meanwhile back in Gods County, I spoke to Chris the other day. He’s an experienced rider and sees no reason to change a successful training regime. He’s focussed on those flat short sections with the occasional canal bridge he can get off and push over. Simon has approached the event with typical Olympian vigour and has just completed the infamous Pocklington 100k in which cyclists compete to ride exactly 100 times further than Eddie has in his training regime so far this year! Eddie, Chris said you can pick your bike up from his house anytime but that you may need to scrape the barnacles off it before you try riding!

Keep it up lads. We’ll be in the hills before we know it.


Friday 2 March 2012

First post and the blog is up and running. 140 days to go!